Pierre LaChance – Woodcrafter of Automotive Models
News Paper Article -Langley Times, BC
Pierre Lachance has an entirely different and aesthetic vision: he transforms the metal sculpted lines of vehicles into the warm radiance of wood.
Lachance, 32, has parlayed his love of conveyances and construction vehicles into an art form that is winning raves–and plenty of sales orders–from automotive enthusiasts. His handcrafted wooden classics were proudly on display at Willowbrook Shopping Center’s “Just for ’95” car show two weeks ago.
Lachance started his wood carvings while still an adolescent. The Cloverdale resident explains,
“I always had a passion for automotive things and I dream of owning a Porsche. I just started creating my own. I thought, if I want it, I’ll build whatever I want. I’ll fill my hearts desires.”
Twenty years later, the father of four continues to work from books and magazines, enhancing his designs into “instant specs” with computer graphics before crafting his vehicles with oak, alder and black walnut.
“I’m using a primitive format and integrating it into a very high tech format. I go with the past and the future and integrate them together for the now,” he says.
Whether it’s a boxy jalopy, a sleek and aerodynamic sports car. a chrome-laden Chevy with outsized fins, Lachance approaches each reproduction with equal enthusiasm.
“I build everything–everything you can think of. You name it, I’ve got it. No one does what I do at the scale and the speed and with so much variety. I go from a Harley Davidson to a tractor-trailer to a Jaguar. I spend two to three days on one item and start on another…It’s unlimited. It doesn’t stop. I like creating, creating, creating and creating with new concepts.”
Lachance also handcrafts wooden toys and this Christmas donated 160 of his pieces to the children at Langley Memorial and Sunny hill Hospitals. He took the remaining packages and gave them away door to door to children in lower-income housing complexes.
Sizes for Lachance’s pieces range from miniature cars and trucks to expansive ships to full-size motorcycles. Most of the pieces are custom built to order.
His joy comes in experimenting with the sculptural appearance of a vehicle and the challenge of perfecting each piece. His lifelong ambition is to become “The King of Wooden Automotive Crafts” and he believes that goal is well on the way to being realized.
Written by: LANGLEY TIMES, July 16, 1998, by Janis Foster
Pierre LaChance Wooden Models Display
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News Articles on the King
Various newspaper articles on Pierre Lachance woodcrafts from his earlier days.
Each article has been transcribed for you to read. Simply open the “Open >> Read Article Content” to read the news article content.
A Surrey Newspaper, name unknown.
Article Date:
(possible 1990-2000)
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Hand crafted
Showing off his own unique brand of bike, designer craftsmen Pierre Jacques LaChance held shop at a motorcycle show at Willowbrook mall on a weekend.
Cloverdale newspaper (name unknown).
Article Date:
(possible 2000 – 2004)
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Pierre Lachance and his wooden Indy car in front of the Cloverdale Library. The car is on display at the library branch during the Indy race in Vancouver.
Chilliwack Times, Chilliwack BC.
Article Date:
(possible 2000-2004)
Only wood used to build his bikes
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Four-Wheeled Exhibit
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Agassiz woodcrafter Pierre LaChance has parked a few of his automotive creations at the public library until the end of the month. The exhibit of handcarved vehicles includes the artist’s 96 Indy Car and a stretch limousine he made when he was a teenager. LaChance says he is also putting the finishing touches on a highly detailed Harley Davidson motorcycle, which he is making for the daredevil legend Evil Knievel.
Article Content:
Four Pierre Lachance, making cars and other replica vehicles from wood is a true labour of love.
The Agassiz wood sculptor has been doing it for about 35 years, not so much in a way of earning his keep but more as an honour to competitors on the stunt driver circuit. It’s in his roots, after all, as his father work in the circuit. The creations often end up as gifts with some going to places like the — health center for children…
Consequently, he had a display setup inside the Agassiz library to show off a few of his pieces: two stretch limousines and a replica Molson Indy car.
“For 35 years I’ve been doing this,” he says.
His big project right now is a version of the legendary Evel Knievel’s Harley Davidson XR 70.
” it all comes apart like a big, huge model, like a real bike.” He says. “The whole thing can be picked up in one piece. Everything locks into place.”
The Knievel project is a real labour of love, Lachance’s dad did some work for the famed daredevil back in the 1970’s. He is able to zero in on t he details because of his accurate knowledge of this subjects, plus the odd picture as a guide. The Knievel bike ism based on the rider’s model from 1972 to 1977.
“I’m building this thing strictly off photographs,” he says.
Virtually all the pieces are made of wood, even the shocks and sprockets, and the replica and gas tank that slides into place is solid oak. Lachance is approaching the end of the job, but he still needs to put in some finishing touches.
“I’ve got approximately 125 hours into it,” he says.
For more information see Lachance’s website at WWW.communityplusinternational.com.
Langley In Motion
Article Date:
June 3, 2005
Lead-in Title:
Interview with former Langley resident Pierre lachance…
King of Wood Automotive Crafts
You name it and Designer/Craftsman Pierre Lachance will build it!
Article Content:
“I’ve been designing and carving wood model for 35 years,” states Pierre.
“My handcrafted wooden models range from miniature cars to full-scale motorcycles.”
“I preserve past and present elite stunt driver’s legacys online at www.autothrillshows.com. I’ve been building models for them, including Jumper Evel Knievel’s XR750 wooden Harley stunt bike that was built with his permission. My dad, Bobby Chance, worked for Evil in the 70’s. I’ve also built the only official Vancouver Molson Indy wooden Firestone Fire Hawk replica model. The model is presently on display at the Agassiz public library.”
“I always had a passion for automotive things, crafty my vehicles out of oak, alder and black walnut, etc.
“Whether it’s a boxy jalopy, a sleek and aerodynamic sports car, or Chevy with oversize fans, I approach each piece with equal enthusiasm.
“Every year, I handcraft wooden toys and donate several of my pieces to the children’s hospitals.
“I don’t carve for money, but rather, as a labour of love. This is also great therapy for me since my accident, when I was hit by a car at the age of seven.
” I have an entirely different and aesthetic vision: I transform the metal sculpted lines of vehicles into the warm radiance of wood.
“I’ve parlayed my love of constructing vehicles into an art form, and had been winning raves at past shows from automotive enthusiasts.
“As for Evel Knievel’s would model, I’m almost done and probably plan to display my handcrafted wooden classics at Harrison Hot Spring beach for the public to view for free.
“Folks can also visit my Art Gallery Online at www.pierrelachance.com”
Capital News, Kelowna BC.
Article Date:
May 10, 2012
Local artists helps food bank
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Artist Pierre Lachance has donated a large amount of art to the Kelowna Foodbank to generate funds an option. Here he is seen here with a wooden car he built for the Food bank to keep in its office.
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A West Kelowna man is using his artistic talent to help others.
Pierre Lachance, who has been called the “King of Wooden Automotive Crafts”, recently donated a one-of-the-kind 1924 Chevrolet delivery panel truck replica, customized for the Kelowna Community Foodbank.
Along with the track, Lachance donated 16 paintings, which he has been accumulating over the past six months.
He hopes that the Foodbank will be able to auction off the pieces of art at a future fundraising event.
Lachance’s woodworking portfolio is full of creations, including an official Evel Knievel XR750 stunt bike replica and an official Vancouver Molson Indy Firestone Firehawk a replica.
Lachance, who suffers from mental illness, said that donating his wooden creations “serves as therapy.”
He is challenging other local artists to donate pieces of their art to help the food bank as well.
Westside Weekly, West Kelowna, BC
Article Date:
August 5, 2015
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Pierre LaChance holds a declaration from Dan Albas, MP for Okanagan-Coquihalla, and a model car made from various kinds of wood including, walnut, maple and oak. The car which took a week to make and will be displayed at the Westbank Museum. The declaration thanks Pierre “On being an active community member in a multitude of ways, contributing your skills and availability to serve our community.”