Services: Advertising and Marketing News Media for the 21st Century.
Plus Memberships:
Members who are serious about making changes
in our Communities.
We also recognize that there are some of you
who want that EXTRA advantage!
This is what the
Community Plus membership is all about! Giving you the edge and the
special privileges that go with it!
Networking together is our
success in savings on promotional cost.
Community Plus is a unique web-based Advertising and Marketing News Media, With real-time updates, your website guests are able to view accurate information about your project at any time.
One of the nation's largest web based advertising and marketing services and realizing the continued benefits provided by Community Plus. Its simplicity has been proven, and its effectiveness has been tracked. Your organization can benefit from the feature-rich options that Community Plus offers.
Support us at Community Plus.ca and become a member

Support your local food bank
Gospel Mission
Send: All News And Correspondence to communityplus@uniserve.com

Start your Advertising & Marketing campaign with Community Plus.ca Online now!
Community Plus www.communityplus.ca
Community Plus Daily News
Membership fees $79.00
You'll receive all sorts of free stuff.
Community Plus Publication Established Since 1990 in Ottawa, and three years in the Okanagan Valley.
It's white or blue in colour, a one-page short read. We promote community services, entertainment,
special events, media and offer advertising space and a Word Search.
The paper is accompanied with this Mega website, and web advertising and encourages community feedback, while supporting non-profit organizations since 1995.
We're helping businesses just like yours to increase sales, promote logo recognition and gain
the competitive edge.
With a large Advertising & Marketing firm - strategic approach made easy.
Community Plus will help you with an internet advertising & marketing campaign of any budget with efficiency. Working with Community Plus.ca will save you money also your time. Community Plus.ca provide 24 hours e-mail support to our customers and members. Contact us anytime!
What are your business needs?
Exposure is an essential element of a successful business. Customers need to know who you are,
what you offer, and how to contact you. What better opportunity is there for exposure or promotion
than the Internet?
The Internet offers full color, 24/7 availability, low costs, and millions of users! Should the Internet be
your only source of advertising?
Of course not, people still read the newspaper, grab the phone book, listen to the radio and watch television. But the growth of Internet users cannot be ignored. Every successful business should have
a web presence to maximize their exposure.
The simple fact is that the more links, which lead to your site from
other websites, the more success your site will have.
85% of all users use the top search engines to locate their desired information.
All top search engines view each link from another site, which connects to your site, as a vote in it's popularity, when ranking your website in search results. Also, the more popular the sites which link to your website are,
the more influential their vote counts towards your site as well.
The top search engines now give this single factor top importance in determining a site's rank in search results.
In fact some will not even list your site until it is linked from another site. The word or words in the text
of text links which lead to each site, the size & boldness, and the location on the page where the links are located (i.e. top or bottom) all have varying degrees of influence on both how sites are ranked by the search engines when someone does a search for specific keywords and the direct amount of qualified prospects they produce.
Purchasing fixed banner & text link advertising on our sites will increase your brand's visibility,
help your site's ranking in the top search engines, increase it's targeted visitor traffic,
and improve
your sales revenues.
company: Community Plus
phone: 888-232-1561
Email: communityplus@uniserve.com
site: http://www.communityplus.ca
